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The domain is owned and registered by BSSM Alumni DE e.V., a registered Non-Profit Organisation in Eppingen, Germany. Chairman is Alexander Rau, Co-Chairman is Chris Dittrich. Both are BSSM 3rd Year Graduates and personally known by the BSSM Alumni Department in Redding, CA.For more information on BSSM Alumni DE e.V. please visit


Please consider a donation to our efforts to maintain and further develop the BSSM Alumni Map interface.


How the BSSM Alumni Map came to be.

Back around April 2020 in the midst of the Covid Lockdown, Alex Rau and Tobi Polly, two BSSM Alumni from Germany, started to develop a map for German BSSM Alumni. The purpose of map is to answer two of the most asked questions by German BSSM Graduates.
1. Are there any BSSM Alumni around where I live?
2. Are there any Churches related to Bethel around where I live? 

The BSSM Alumni Map is answering those two questions. Not only does this map show where other Alumni are located, but it also maps the churches and ministries the Alumni are affiliated with.

In July 2020 the first version of the map was launched and german Alumni were able to sign up and use the map to connect with each other. With the Map they can find Alumni with common callings or giftings and request prayer and ministry from other Alumni.

The development of the Alumni Map is ongoing. In August 2022 we invited all European Alumni to join the map. At the end of 2022 we had almost 550 users and over 6000 visits to the map platform. We also are upgrading and improving the map interface and are in process of building an iOS and Android app version of the map.
We also extended our development team. Two other BSSM Alumni from the US have joined our team. 

In the future we might also build custom Maps for other organization, like YWAM or Iris or other Schools and Universities, but for right now our focus is to finish all the development of the BSSM Alumni Map and continue to add other nations to map.

To check out the BSSM Alumni Map, go to 
To register, you need to be a graduate from BSSM 1st Year, BCA or BSSM Online and live in Europe. 
You also need a Sign Up Token, which was emailed to all European BSSM Alumni. 
(If you did not receive an email or deleted it, please email

If you like to support our efforts, please consider a donation.



Über uns

BSSM Alumni DE e.V. ist eine organisierte Community von ehemaligen Deutschen Studenten der Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, Kalifornien USA.


Mehr über BSSM Alumni DE e.V. gibt es hier.



BSSM Alumni DE e.V. 

Beethovenstr. 17

75031 Eppingen


TEL: +49 7262 9219 990

FAX: +49 7262 6154 989


BSSM Alumni DE e.V. 

Vorstand : 
Alexander Rau

Chris Dittrich

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Webseite ist Alexander Rau.

Impressum & Datenschutz, hier klicken.

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© 2015-2022 by BSSM Alumni DE e.V. 

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